Counter-current swimming turbines can be integrated into existing pools or pools under construction to offer you the pleasure of swimming at home throughout the beautiful season, without having to travel further than your garden. Becoming increasingly popular due to their many benefits for both professional swimmers and amateurs, we provide you with a summary of everything you need to know about this NCC (counter-current swimming) system.


Contents :

How to install a counter-current swimming turbine?


You have chosen to install a swimming turbine in your pool and want to know more about the entire installation process? We have put together a comprehensive summary for you.

Discover how to install a swimming turbine

How to maintain a counter-current swimming turbine?


To swim without turning around in your pool, you have decided to install a swimming turbine. You made the right choice as this system requires minimal maintenance. However, it is important to take care of it to maintain optimal performance. Learn how to maintain your swimming turbine.

Learn more about swimming turbine maintenance

How does a counter-current swimming turbine work?


The counter-current swimming turbine (or NCC) allows you to fully enjoy a pool, even a small one. Aquagym, swimming with fins, hydrotherapy, training: by generating a water current, it turns your pool into a sports center. Here’s a closer look at how a counter-current swimming turbine works.

Discover how a swimming turbine works

Why choose a swimming turbine?


SIREM offers an innovative solution for swimming and water enthusiasts to equip their pools. With our counter-current swimming system, you can enjoy your pool for a multitude of water activities. Swimming, balneotherapy, aquagym, or leisure: you maximize the potential of your installation. An overview of the possibilities of the Swimeo swimming turbine.

Discover the benefits of a swimming turbine

What are the differences between a turbine and a pump?


Swimming against the current (NCC) in a pool is very beneficial for health. To make it possible in a home pool, it is necessary to equip it with a dedicated counter-current swimming system (NCC), which can be based on a pump or a turbine. What are the differences between these two devices? Which one should you choose? Let’s find out.

Read our comparison between turbine and pump